Rent Choice
Responsive Website
May 2023 - Present

Project Overview

Rent Choice is a residential real estate agency based in Perth Australia. I had the great honor of redesigning their website in Webflow. Following their brand guidelines, I first designed the wireframes and high-fidelity prototype in Figma. Then developed the website in Webflow based on the Figma design.


Creating a multistep form with conditional logic and integrating a complex API presented significant challenges in the project. The multistep form dynamically delivers information based on user dropdown selections, directing them to a separate form for more specific details. The integration of a sophisticated API from the client's CRM automates property listings extraction and ensures seamless display on the Webflow website.

Wireframes and Prototypes

The initial phase of website design typically involves wireframing, a process in which we collaborate closely with clients to establish the information architecture and layout of their website. During this stage, we create all the necessary pages and integrate them with navigation buttons to ensure a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

High-Fidelity Prototype

Following the completion of the wireframe and layout, we proceed to incorporate styles and brand colors into the design, adhering to the provided style guide or creating a customized one for the client. Once the design closely aligns with the client's vision, we then prepare for the development phase.

Webflow Development

Using the prototype, we developed a cutting-edge website in Webflow, emphasizing user experience and functionality. Our work included a seamless integration of complex CMS collections, a multi-step form for engaging user interaction, and dynamic animations that breathe life into the design. We also implemented an API for real-time property listings, ensuring the site's responsiveness and ease of use across all devices. This project highlights our skill in creating visually appealing, technically sophisticated websites that drive real business results.